Trixbrix Triple Switch, Compatible with Lego Train, 3D Printed!

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Ce produit dérivé tiré de l’univers du dessin animé Les Triplés a pour nom officiel : Trixbrix Triple Switch, Compatible with Lego Train, 3D Printed!.

contains 6 elements:
a switch section with 2 spring mechanisms
a detach section with smooth rail guides
2 R40 curved half tracks
2 connectors used for parallel setup and a single crossover combine 2 triple switches to build a single crossover (sold separately).
Completely redesigned geometry with sleepers, studs and holes for a more realistic lookhave more possibilities than the original switches
build rail yards with ease
build 2 diverging tracks that go perfectly perpendicular with R40 curve geometry as shown in the pictures
build 2 parallel track with a distance of 8 dots from the base track which guarantees a safe passing without collissions (the same geometry as the original switch)
combine the above and build one parallel and one perpendicular turnouts

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